It's been awhile
But, in my defense, pinterest is really....well...interesting. And it has spots for all the recipes I try....
And, being a parent is some tough business. Son#1 and Son#2, being teenagers, have been e s p e c i a l l y teenager-esque. Like, after-school-special-teenager-esque. And, Finn has been Finn. Being a parent of a kiddo with special needs seems a bit easier than a parent of teenager, though, I have to say. At least Finn comes with equipment and a team of support staff. These boys just come with rolling eyes and attitude. Have I mentioned they know everything too?
Good grief.
I just can't imagine I was T H I S bad!!! I am sure my mom and dad would have something to add, but, alas, they are not on this blog and therefore can't interject about what a perfect vision of teenagehood I was and how I had no attitude, except love and respect. And how I willingly complete all my chores and then some. So, you will just have to take my word for it...
Tomorrow, I have the pleasure of getting up close and personal with the court system. Yay (where is that mad face guy) and then on Monday there is IEP for Son#2 and his ongoing med changes for the impulse control issues that cause him to play video games, without stopping, for weeks on end and forget to shower. I wish there was a medication for Son#1 and his incessant need to be with GIRLFRIEND, as if she will disappear if he is not within 10 feet of her.
Even though all this is going on, MainMan has managed to continue to construct his zombie fortress with his clan of friends and plan for the end of the world, as we know it.
Sometime, I would just like to shower, without interruption.
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